Sunday, April 14, 2013

Working Out.. or My Love-Hate relationship with Jillian Michaels.

I just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred yesterday. Needless to say it kicked my ass. I am admittedly overweight and out of shape. Some of that I can blame on my back injury and hypothyroidism and some of it on pure laziness and lack of motivation. A few months ago I FINALLY decided enough was enough and got an elliptical to start working out. Boy was that a mistake.
I literally did 5 minutes the first day, I felt like such a fat loser. The next day my legs were sore and I convinced myself I needed a break. The following day I got hard on myself and buckled down. I made it 10 minutes before collapsing in a dizzy sweat on the couch. This lead me to investigate why I was so dizzy when I was hydrating before, during and after working out. I found out about electrolytes which is basically a fancy scientific way to say my body isn't absorbing all the water I drank because of the loss of salt and sugar molecules burned up and used while sweating. To remedy this I thought "maybe I should get some Gatorade" because Gatorade is marketed at having electrolytes in it. A few years ago I had stopped drinking Gatorade because of the sugar content but now maybe I needed that sugar. Okay that's a lie, the part about not drinking it because of the sugar content it was partly because of that but mostly because they stopped making my favorite flavor Strawberry Kiwi, I lived off that stuff in high school!
Anyways I did a search for homemade Gatorade and found the link below:
With that I filled a 16 oz bottle of water with a tablespoon of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and hopped on the elliptical. No dizziness post exercise! I wish I could brag and say on day 3 I was pumping out 30 minutes or even 15 but sadly I barely made it to 10 again.
At this point I've been doing 30 minutes after a over a month of the elliptical. I feel healthier, more in shape, less tired walking up stairs and my back is actually getting even better than before (still some twinges that need adjusting by my chiro but not as severe as a year ago). Last week getting ready for work I pulled on my favorite skinny jeans and I bet at this point in the story you think I'm going to wax on about how amazing it is that they fit looser and now I can go shopping for a smaller size, etc.


Actually they fit tighter. No joke.Tighter. So of course I enter the thought process of "why did I bother?", "I should've eaten ALL the cookies last night, who cares if I'm GAINING weight?!". The completely frustrating land of  "I was right being lazy all along".

Except I wasn't.

I did a google search to find out the reason I was gaining weight was due to water retention from starting to exercise again. My body was nervous about the loss of water from sweating so therefore it was holding on to everything it got just in case this didn't keep up, apparently in a few weeks time it would all even out. Or so I've read. In addition, I read that strength training would burn more fat than 30 minutes of cardio and continue burning it ALL DAY LONG!
It's a lazy person's dream come true! Exercise for 30 minutes and keep burning calories all day, freaking YES please!

Enter Jillian Michaels.

I did some reading about her 30 day Shred and there were alot of positive reviews from and other websites. I was hesitant at first because I really don't like Jillian Michaels, I think she's a bully and cruel to contestants on The Biggest Loser. I get her whole mindset that it's not easy to work out and you have to want it bad enough to work for it. I think she could be a little less of a bitch about it is all.
I downloaded it and committed to started and she is a bitch in the video! You're working out and she says disparaging things like, "Don't phone it in, I don't want you doing this!" and  "there's no modification for jumping jacks, I have 400 lb people doing jumping jacks!" to me I hear her saying 'You fat ass get off the floor and work out, this is why you're so fat."
But that's all in head. Oddly rather than irritating me so badly I turn it off it made me work for it and push harder. I want to work to make her stop yelling rude shit and prove her wrong.
Jillian Michaels might be brash, rude and  not my cup of tea but if she helps me lose weight through hate well I just might have to thank her!

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